Thursday, August 20, 2009


Just wanted to post a few pics tonight. Oh, and wanted to transcribe a conversation Jules and I had last night:

Me: Julianna, let's pick up your puzzle and put it back in the box now.
Julianna: No.
Me: Yes, let's do.
Julianna. No mama. Why?
Me: Because we have to pick up our toys after we play with them.
Julianna: No.
Me: Just pick up the puzzle.
Julianna: Nooooooooooo.
Me:(In one of my finer parental moments) Julianna we're going to pick up the puzzle because I said so and I'm the BIG boss.
Julianna: Mama, I'm the wittle boss!

At this point I tried REALLY hard not to laugh or even crack a smile - but I failed, and she totally knew I was amused. She's, of course, said she was the "wittle boss" about 3 times today. Eek! What a wittle mess. What am I going to do with her?


Louise and Julianna taking care of their babies!

Jules put this little cone (plastic ice cream cone minus the ice cream) up to her nose and said "Look mama! I'm a woodpecker!" SO CUTE!

1 comment:

  1. Holaaaa
    You are (finally)posting new pics :)
    thank you!! I love the way Julianna smiles
    she's such a beautiful little girl
