Sunday, March 8, 2009

March in NC

Sorry I have been MIA for a bit. This has been a really busy week! In the course of exactly one week, we have gone from our biggest (and really only) "snow storm" (yes Steph, I realize that 4-5" of snow is nothing but a dusting in your neck of the woods!) of the winter last Sunday to over 80 degrees today! Its kinda nuts. Anyway, Jules had a blast in the snow and we made her first ever snowman!!! She just LOVED that guy! He was just a little fellow, more like a boy than a man really, but I think that she liked being eye level with him. She held his hand and talked to him. So sweet! I was really worried that she was going to take it pretty hard when he took off to the North Pole to meet up with Frosty. But except for asking about him a couple of times, it wasn't a big deal.

Yesterday and today have been absolutely glorious! Around 80 degrees each day, but no bugs yet! Hallelujah!!! We, of course, went to the park both days and spent as much time as possible on the big front porch. Julianna has really started pedaling her tricycle in the last couple of days too. Oh dear, she is getting to be such a big girl!

I have a ton of pics from this week. Half in coats and hats and snow boots and half in sleaveless tops and sandals!

It started snowing at about 9:00 Sunday night. I was afraid (and was right) that it wouldn't be snowing in the morning and J wouldn't get to see it coming down. So... the crazy lady that I am, I bundled her up and took her out. She was beyond thrilled and cried when I finally made her come in.

We headed back out first thing Monday morning. I think J was shocked that the whole world was white! She was a little wobbly and cautious our first trip out.

Round 2 on Monday afternoon. We walked around the neighborhood a bit and looked at everyone else's snowmen and then came home and made our own. She really got into it and "helped" a bunch. She was SO proud of him and HAD to call Mimi and Poppy out to admire him! She was precious.

Our Snowboy.

On Saturday, Weezie (one of my bestest friends and the soon to be Mama of a little boy!!! Yippie!) came over and played with us. We went over to a little church playground.

She looks like such a big girl, doesn't she? She is almost ALWAYS mistaken for being older than her less than 27 months. I think it is mostly because she is super tall and has SO MUCH DARN HAIR!!!

My beautiful girl!

Too cute!


  1. Wow! you're right she is very tall, How tall she is (height)??

    however she is so gorgeous!

    greetings from Monterrey :)

  2. Hi! Thanks for the compliments on my baby! I'm not sure exactly how tall she is (I'll have to check), but she has pretty consistently been in the 99th percentile or something.

