On another note, we had Uncle "Joey!" and Aunt Justy's (Or Aunty Fish ;) little dog, Scruffy, here for the first part of the week. Julianna loved that dog! "Scruffy" was the first word out of her mouth every morning. Scruffy has some wild hair (hence the name) and Julianna was determined that she needed her hair brushed. She chased that dog around with a My Little Pony hair brush for 5 days! She would say "Ohhhh Scrufffffyyyyy! Brusssshhh Hairrr!" - like she was being really enticing. That girl is such a mess!
Oh yeah, she is obsessed with American Idol too. She saw the silly little song and dance number (A Jackson 5 medley) that they do at the beginning of every results show and danced and danced. Now she makes us watch it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! It really has become excruciating. I only have one other thing to say about American Idol - ANOOP!!!!
Ok, one more thing... I have the cutest video of Miss J saying "GOOOOO HEEELS!!" I will have to post it at some point - definitely if they win the national championship. I am going to have her so brainwashed that UNC is the only school she will even think about attending! Sorry Granddaddy, Grandmama, and Daddy - Our girl looks much better in Carolina Blue than Jumpsuit Orange! Then again, who doesn't?
For just dropping off pictures, I sure am chatty! Here are the promised pics:
Coloring with Uncle Joey and Aunty Fish
Petting little Scruffy. She said in her sweetest southern voice "Ohhh baby!"
Giving Uncle Joey 5. This kid is moony over him!
Dancing while chalking up the driveway on one of the pretty days.
More playing outside.
Hamming it up on the couch.
Sweetest baby ever!
Wearing the most adorable dress that Uncle Joey and Aunty Fish brought back for J from Puerto Rico.
She is the cutest kid I have ever seen...
Carolina blue...
ReplyDeleteVolunteer orange...
I don't really care as long as it's not
TuTu pink (see above.)
P.S. She sure is cute as all hell in it though.....
I can just see her chasing the dog with the brush. How adorable!! She is just a hoot. I like the new green dress. Thanks for reminding me about chalk. If it gets warm enough EVER here I am going to get ours out.