Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009

Julianna had her weekly little music class today. They sing, play bells, tap sticks, throw bean bags and dance around with scarves. She is so super cute. She knows most of the songs now and sings and dances and has a couple little friends that she holds hands with while dancing. We both really look forward to it every week.

I seem to be talking about the weather tons lately (I'm getting to be a regular OLD person), but when you have a two year old, it seems like so much depends on whether you can go outside or not! Today was beautiful (actually sandal-wearing weather) and I wanted to drop off a few pics:


  1. It sounds like you had a great day! I can't get over how stunning J is.

  2. Hi

    Does she sing?, that's amazing for a 2 year old girl!

    You must be very proud of your daughter

    she looks so sweet

    Have a nice weekend!
