Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sweet Baby Girl

Yes, she is in my bed. She ends up there almost every single night. Oh how I wish I could say she is a sound sleeper, head on pillow and all. That is hardly the case. It is a rare night that I don't wake up with a foot in my face or elbow in my back! But she looks so darn sweet and peaceful doesn't she?


  1. I see she has her favorite blanket. She looks so sweet. Love Granddaddy.

  2. Even when she is sleeping, she looks very sweet
    keep posting :)
    have a nice day

  3. My God,
    she is the sweetest and most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on.....

    "See how she lays her cheek upon her hand.
    Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand
    that I might touch that cheek."
