Grandmama and Granddaddy got these boots for her a couple of weeks ago while we were in the mountains with them. She just loves them and wants to wear them all the time. SOOO CUTE!!!
It snowed for about 20 minutes a couple of weeks ago and J just had a blast! She couldn't quit saying "It snowin'!!" And yes, she is in her pj's in the last 2 pics. When it snows around here you have to make a run for it or you'll miss it! Hee.
Lovin' Uncle Richard's Snowboarding boots! We couldn't get her out of them.
Getting her Valentine's prezzies from G-mama and G-daddy. Did I mention that this kid LOVES presents? She totally loves ANYTHING you wrap up or put in a bag, but she always wants "more presents?!!?" I'm working on that one...
Playing with her VERY loud alphabet pal...
Out riding her tricycle in her "jewels".
Julianna is on the LNSS's (Lake Norman Stick Society) Special Stick Selection Committee and takes her job very seriously despite the fact that it is just volunteer work.
gorgeous girl!! :)