Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

Julianna and I had a really nice week. It was cold and rainy a lot of it, but we had lots to do indoors, so not a big deal. We put up our tree and Christmas decorations, went to a Christmas Festival in Davidson, and a tree lighting/Santa visit at the library (this was outside in the cold and dark).

Wonder of wonders, Julianna sat on Santa's lap!!!! She even told him what she wanted for Christmas! I really thought she was going to back out last minute, especially after her little friend who is generally much more outgoing refused. The picture tells the whole story. She was nervous but never panicked. She is just getting to be such a BIG girl. (Btw, she totally wavers between wanting to grow up and be a "big lady" and wanting to "stay a wittle girl". I'm sure you can guess my vote!)

Oh, and my camera curse continues! Mimi, Poppy and I took Julianna to the Christmas festival downtown. There were TONS of people. They had a darling little live nativity and lots of live animals to pet. Well, I think someone took my camera right out of my coat pocket! One minute I was taking pictures of J petting the animals and the next minute I reached back into my pocket for my camera to take another picture and it was gone! We scoured the place (we hadn't moved ten feet in that amount of time), but it was no where to be found. Geez. I really do have the WORST luck with cameras. But I also guess the losing/stealing/breaking is a reflection of how much I use the thing. I pretty much never go anywhere without it. I guess if you use it all the time it is going to be more vulnerable to that stuff than if it stays in a drawer somewhere never getting used.

A few little Julianna tales from the week:


Julianna is already trying to get us to take in stray pets! We were running around outside and a little gray kitten came right up to her and was rubbing all over her legs. Julianna decided we HAD to have this cat. I told we already had 2 cats and just absolutely could not have any more. She started to whimper and said, "But where is his family??" Oh that sweet child. I told her that was why we couldn't take him home - because his family would miss him! She seemed satisfied with this reasoning, but has mentioned the little gray cat about a million times.


Me: Julianna, I have an itch. Could you scratch my back?
Julianna: I can't.
Me: Why?
Julianna: I'm VERY tired.

Hee! It was the first time I have ever heard those words uttered from that girl's mouth.


I put up our tree while Julianna was at Ryan's (just the tree, I saved the ornaments for us to do together). It is a little pre-lit thing and Julianna was so excited when we got home. She ran right up to it and hugged it and said, "I love you, tree". So darling!


We were sitting at a traffic light in the dark the other evening and the red light was reflecting on Julianna's face. I looked back and she was crossing her eyes trying to look at her nose and saying, "Look Mama, my nose is red just like Rudolph's!!!"

She will also sing the call and response version of the Rudolph song. It kills me when she says, "Like a lightbulb!", and Ryan taught her to say "Like match game" instead of "like monopoly". So cute!


Our Santa was pretty impressive with real hair and beard!

Getting a treat from Santa.

Julianna and Riley.

Dancing to Christmas music!

Hanging ornaments.

Admiring the Christmas tree after dance class.

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