Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21, 2009

It really has felt like fall this week. Just beautiful warm days with little or no humidity. I am in heaven! We went over to the campus and wandered around several times. It is my favorite activity when it is so nice out. I like it so much better than the park because I know it is less germy, and Julianna likes it just as well or better. She loves collecting acorns, finding "gorgeous leaves", hunting for 4 leaf clovers, and "balancing" on all of the walls. She also loves talking to the college kids. She is so much less shy with adults than kids right now for some reason. They usually make over her and she just beams.

A couple of quick stories and then on to the millions of pics from the week.


This morning when we first got up, Julianna and I were snuggling on the couch under a blanket. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and said:

Me: Julianna, I am c-c-cold!
Julianna: You are c-c-cold, S-S-Sarah?


We were listening to a new cd of Disney songs in the car. She hasn't seen any of the Disney movies because I know they would all be too sad/scary for her right now. She always asks questions about who is singing the song and what the song is about.

Listening to Whistle While You Work
Julianna: Who is singing?
Me: Snow White. She is a girl. She has black hair.
Julianna: Not white?

Listening to Following the Leader from Peter Pan:
At the beginning of this song there is a drum solo. On only her second or third time hearing the song, as soon as she heard the drums she said, "This is the following the leader song! Listen to the drums, mama!"


Listening to Everybody Wants to be a Cat from Aristocats:

Julianna: I like the trumpet in this one!

Seriously, I didn't even notice the trumpet until she pointed it out! On top of being able to pick out musical instruments, she also seems to be able to tell the tone of a song by the music alone. Even when listening to classical music (with no singing or words) she will say, "This one is a sad song."



Love the way the sun is shining on my girl in this one.

This plant had millions of little tiny white, very fragrant flowers on it. I was shaking it and making it "snow" on J's head. She LOVED it and made me do it over and over again.

Playing "Match Game" on a blanket. For some reason, Jules thinks EVERYTHING is more fun on a blanket!

Showing off a match!

Another match!

Arriving at Dance Class. It's blurry, but just so cute! You can tell how thrilled she is to be there.

Loves her some Dinosaurs!

Footy Pajamas! Yippee!! I just love them so! Poor thing, I will be forcing her to wear them when she is 13!

A "gorgeous leaf"

Hunting for 4 leaf clovers. She is very serious about this activity! Haven't found one yet.

1 comment:

  1. Jay had a comment for every picture...
    "And look there she is with a leaf"
    "And look there she is with a goody bag"
    "And look there she is with a kitty cat"
    Julianna is growing up so fast - come and visit us again soon :)
