Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

I'm not going to lie. This one is a hard one for me. This Halloween is the first big thing that I have missed. I have been telling myself for weeks that I don't really care that much about Halloween, and that it's not that big of a deal. But Julianna was so excited and has been practicing her "trick or treat" for days now. When I dropped her off yesterday the last thing I said was "Happy Halloween, Julianna." and she said "Happy Halloween mama." I swear I had a really hard time holding back the tears until I got in the car. I have been so sad all day. I am so emotional and have started to make myself just sick thinking about all the things that I am going to miss in the future. I know nobody ever said life was going to be fair, but I just couldn't help throwing myself a big ol' pity party for most of the day. Oh, it just breaks my heart to miss this stuff :( I also have a nasty little cold, so I don't think that has helped my spirits too much.

We did have a great week though. We went to Bill, Louise, and Baby John's house on Sunday. Julianna just adores that whole family. She talks about "Baby John" almost every single day. She is waiting with great anticipation for the day that he will be able to play with her. She also dressed in her Bee costume and showed off for them. SO CUTE! We also went to dance class, a pumpkin patch (with hay ride and petting zoo), and played in the leaves on the college campus. Julianna also spent the night with Grandmama and Granddaddy. It was her first ever sleep over without Mama or Dada. They said she did wonderfully!

I have several little stories and a whole slew of pics.


After coloring a picture, Julianna brought it up to me and said, "Look Mama, I used all the beautiful colors of the rainbow!" I almost cried it was so cute!


Our (psychotic) cat was neutered this week. I really didn't tell Julianna much about it except that he had to go to the kitty doctor and would have a little boo boo when we picked him up. Well when the vet tech lady brought Pumpkin to us in the waiting room, Julianna screamed, "Yea! We got Pumpkin back - now he's SAFE!" Everyone just laughed.


Julianna was coloring with markers. I saw her running to the bathroom and followed her in. She was looking in the mirror and seemed very disappointed. She had written on her face with the markers.

Me: Why did you write on your face?
Julianna: I wanted to look like a kitty cat with whiskers. But I don't...

AWWWWW. Maybe next year she'll be a kitty cat for Halloween. I'll try to draw the best whiskers ever! Heck, why wait for Halloween, maybe I'll draw some whiskers on her face next week!

We were listening to "Somewhere Out There" from the American Tale. It's that really sad song that the brother and sister mice sing. Anyway, I hadn't told Julianna anything about it. I thought she would just think the little mouse voices were cute, but about half way through she said, "Mama, this song is too sad. I need to listen to another one."


I guess I have been talking very worriedly (is that a word?) about the flu a lot lately. Julianna hears so much more than I realize. I told her yesterday that I wasn't feeling well. Her little eyes started to well up as she said, "You have the fru?"

Wearing her Run DMC shirt. She never ever fails to mention that Uncle Joey and Aunty fish "give me this shirt." She is VERY proud.

Pics from Baby John's house:

She asked in the smallest, sweetest voice, "Can I touch him?"

The sweater she is wearing in this picture was mine (maybe even Steph's) made by my grandmother over 30 years ago! She adores it because the little buttons have kitty cats on them. It still looks beautiful to me!

She was thrilled beyond belief when Baby John held her finger!

Couldn't you just die? This kid is SO cute!

Oh my goodness, it's a little bumble bee!

Dancing for Baby John.

It's not hard to see why I would take missing trick or treating with this little one so hard, is it?? Beyond stinkin' cute!

Playing in the leaves at Davidson:

The sweater she is wearing in this pic was also made by my grandmother for my brother 30ish years ago! SOOO much fun putting her in them!

Dance class.

Just cute.

Pumpkin Patch pics:

Julianna, Mimi, and I had the nicest time on the most beautiful day. Julianna LOVED the tractor ride and, of course, the animals.

I know you've seen this sweater once or twice before, but she can only wear it for about one month, so we got as much use out of it as possible. It really is so darling and she LOVES the kitty on it!

Mama and her girl!!!

Love this pic!

Julianna LOVED the little pumpkins! The smaller the better. When she would find a little one she would say, "Awww, it's so cute!" like she was talking about a baby or something. She lined up all the little ones before picking her favorite.

Studying them.

More studying.

"I think this is it"

Nope, this is the one for sure!

I don't know??

The requisite sitting on the pumpkin picture. This was at the end of the trip and this is the best I could get.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the picture of J's back in the pumpkin patch. With the green grass and blue should frame that one.
    Love you!
