Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009

Well, we have somehow managed to avoid the swine flu (I'm doing some serious knocking on wood right now) thus far, despite the fact that A LOT of people we know have it. Eek! J's dance class was cancelled yesterday because her teacher and everyone in her family has it, and J's very best friend, sister, and mother all have it too! We have a standing Wednesday morning play date with her friend and just happened to miss it because Ryan's schedule was a little different last week. Anyway, you have no idea how glad I am that we missed it now!!! I guess her little sister was REALLY sick.

So with no dance class or play date, we have had a very lazy few days. We did go over to the campus and walk around with Mimi yesterday (it was a VERY lovely day), but did not leave the house at all (NOT a lovely day. Cold and rainy.) until I took her to Ryan's this evening.

My requisite couple of stories:


Me: Julianna, you exhaust me!
Julianna: That means tired??

How she knows that, I have no idea. Ryan nor I remember explaining it to her. Maybe it was just my exasperated tone. Hee! She also knew that hilarious meant "very funny".


Julianna: I want to go on an adventure!
Me: Where do you want to go?
Julianna: Target!

Hey, at least my kid has low expectations, right?


Singing at the Library.

Julianna's new favorite game. She likes me to spread out a big blanket on the floor and then she totes every one of her stuffed animals out from her room, puts them on the blanket and lies down in the middle of it.

More Davidson Pics:

Is it just me or does that child look like a 5 year old?

She kept running out of her room and "scaring" me. She thought it was a real hoot to make me scream!

My favorite of the week. Can you believe the amount of hair on this 2 year old??!!?

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