Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17, 2009

Julianna and I had a very busy, but great week!

She started tap/ballet classes on Tuesday and was so cute I could hardly stand it. They made us moms sit in the waiting room and watch the class on a t.v. out there. I was afraid she would get clingy and get freaked out and too shy to participate - but she did GREAT!! She listened very well and followed instructions as well as anyone. After class her instructor even emailed me saying how well she listened and how much fun she was to have in class (Yes, maybe she emailed the same thing to everyone in order to suck up to all of the parents. If so, it totally worked!!!). She did have one pitifully cute moment though. On the floor of the studio there are a bunch of painted little circles. In order to get these 2 year olds to refocus after each dance or whatever, the teacher would tell the kids to go stand on a circle. One time Julianna went and stood on a circle and I guess another little girl wanted that circle. She just sort of bulldozed her way onto it (and therefore J off of it). Julianna looked confused, kind of slumped her shoulders and hung her head and went to stand on another circle. She recovered great though and moved right on and I thought it was probably all forgotten. I never mentioned it, and quite honestly forgot about it myself until later in the day when I asked her how great her dance class was. She looked a little sad and said, "I wanted the purple circle." Awwwww. But she really did have a wonderful time.

Wednesday we had library story hour where Curious George came for a visit and then a play date with her best friend. I can't say she was particularly fond of George though. After her success with the very creepy costumed bunny at Easter, I really had high hopes for Santa at Christmas - now, not so much. Oh well, we'll see. She didn't freak out or anything, but she just pretty steadfastly refused to go anywhere near him. She liked him fine from afar though, and even asked about seeing him again today.

Today we were back at the library for her regular Thursday music class, which she always enjoys.

It was also fairly cool (though VERY humid) here the past few nights and we went to the playground each evening after dinner.

Anyway, I took tons of pics and have a couple cute J stories.


I was looking for my keys and couldn't find them (what's new, right?). I started shaking my purse and then shaking my diaper bag. I finally found them in the diaper bag.

Julianna: You found them?
Me: Yes.
Julianna: You found them 'cause you listened for the sound.

Pretty observant kid, huh?


My mother is on a cruise to Bermuda this week. I think she almost backed out though after Julianna really laid it on thick when we told her Mimi was going on a BIG boat for a while. In tears:

Julianna: NO Mimi, stay here with Julianna.
Me: Julianna, Mimi has to go, but she will be back soon.
Julianna: Mimi, take Julianna with you too!!

She adores my mom, obviously.


Another pretty amazing dinosaur story. You know those little capsules that you put into water and they turn into a little, in this case dinosaur, sponge? Well Ryan must buy them buy the boatloads, because he gives her a new one every time she comes. She has dozens of these little dinosaur sponges. She keeps them in a little square bucket with a little chart taped on the inside so that she can identify them. Anyway, when I was at Ryan's dropping Julianna off tonight, she took one of the sponges out and threw it on the floor.

Julianna: NOT a dinosaur.
Ryan: Yes it is. It's a stegosaurus.
Julianna: (pointing at the chart) No, not a stegosaurus, it that one.
Ryan: Oh, you're right. It's a Dimetrodon.
Julianna: NOT a dinosaur.
Ryan: Yes it is. It's right here.

Ryan and I started looking through her flash cards to find the Dimetrodon and prove to her it was a dinosaur. We found the card, and I know you see this coming, but one of the facts on the back was, "Not actually a dinosaur."

I'm telling you, this kid is an absolute SPONGE!


Monday night we went for a boat ride with Mimi and Poppy. Putting "pinecorns" in Mimi's hat on the way down to the docks.

It was dark on the way home.

Before class started. Wearing her new tap shoes! She loved them!

Looking serious about her Dinosaur stickers!

Look, it's Curious George. Julianna is in the camouflage on the far side.

At music class.

Playing the bells.


Fun with beanbags.

Being silly with a sticker on her nose.

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