Friday, May 15, 2009

Pictures, Finally!

Ok, get ready to start rolling your eyes - I want to brag on my girl a bit. She is so super smart (and absolutely the sweetest child on earth)! She not only knows her letters and their sounds, but she also can read about 15 or so words. She knows them by sight, but if you tell her to sound one of those words out, she knows what you want her to do - and does. She also has an impeccable sense of direction - which she definitely didn't get from me, or from her dad, for that matter. She can tell me where to turn to go all sorts of places. If I ask her where the grocery store is, she will say "this way" and point. She is ALWAYS right - even coming from different directions. Today, we were stopped at a gas station and she said "Mcdonalds is this way, and dragon (a little mechanical thing she likes to ride at the grocery store - see picture below) is this way" and pointed in opposite directions. She could see neither place from where we were, and by golly, she was right! Yes, it's a bit embarrassing that my 2 year old knows where/what Mcdonalds is - but she loves fries! She doesn't eat much (seriously, if it weren't for milk and multi-vitamins, this kid wouldn't have survived her first 2 years), so if she asks for fries, I find it hard to refuse. Oh, and there was a giant inflatable snowman down a side street in front of a tree stand at Christmas. She will still point down that road and say "snowman", even now. Its kind of nuts! Anyway, I have a hard time finding my way out of a paper bag, so I am amazed by this sort of thing!

You can all stop doing that pretend gagging thing now! I just want to remember these things, and since I don't do any sort of scrapbooking or baby-booking (just NOT crafty), I guess this blog sort of serves that purpose for me.

Here are the tons of pics that I have taken since the last time I posted. Julianna is finally feeling better and if I never wipe another snotty nose, it will be FAR, FAR TOO SOON! Yuck, I just hate snot! It actually makes me gag sometimes. I'm not sure what makes it so much more objectionable than other bodily fluids, but it just is! Anyway...

Jules is pretty cautious by nature, but she LOVES to climb! She is getting braver and braver, while I am getting more and more nervous and neurotic! Funny how that works, huh?

Sweet, sweet sleeping angel-baby.

More climbing.

Playing in sofa cushion tent at Weezie's. Who didn't LOVE a sofa cushion tent?!!

What a mess of a child!

Mother's Day Pics

The above-mentioned Harry the Dragon.

Getting a just-because present! To be honest this little teddy was like $2.50 on the 75% off table at Barnes and Noble - but if you put anything in a gift bag she thinks it's a great and wonderful present!

I think she likes him.

Julianna and her little friend on Thursday. They just waded around on the steps of the pool. When asked if the water was too cold (YES it was!), they kept saying "Not bad...". Hee.

She just loves to play in boxes. She took her pillow and a sheet and crawled right into this one. SO cute!

Pouty Poutwell.


  1. I always enjoy seeing the pictures and it isn't bragging if it is the truth (but then again I could be a little prejusticed). Granddaddy.

  2. Wow she's such a big (little?) girl,I wish I could bring her a present,the way she's holding her teddy is kind of cute. Saludos!
