Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009

Julianna and I spent last weekend with Granddaddy and Grandmama (Ryan's parents). We went to a little "Strawberry Festival" where Julianna rode her first horse ever! This wasn't a pony either. It was a great big ole horse. She didn't seem to be a bit scared at first but when the guy walked the horse past me so that she couldn't see me anymore, she started to get a bit nervous. I ended up riding the horse with her for the last bit. Everytime she would see Elaine she would scream "Grandmama, I ridin' a horsey!!!" It was sooo cute!

Pictures from last weekend (and a couple from the rest of the week):

Hanging out at Grandmama and Granddaddy's.

She looks SO tiny on that giant horse!

At the festival they also had a bee hive enclosed in glass. You remember how terrified our little one is of bees, right? Well she seemed to understand that the bees couldn't get out and really was fine.

She does look a bit nervous in this pic though, doesn't she?

At a really pretty little park we went to on Sunday. Jules loved this fountain!

In the tree.

Chatting with Granddaddy.

Wearing Grandmama's sunglasses.

Snuggling with "Dozie".


  1. It looks like you had a great weekend. I love the picture of both of you on the horse! Awesome. Julianna looks adorable the third picture of her in the tree is wonderful. Have a great weekend.

  2. She looks sooo beautiful!!!
    You most love her so very much :).
