Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5, 2009

We're gonna skip right to the anecdotal portion of the post this evening:

We were over at Mimi and Poppy's house a few days ago and Julianna fell and bumped her ear. It really did hurt and she cried quite a bit. Anyway, Mimi left the room and Julianna made a FULL recovery. She was laughing and hooting and hollering. Mimi came back in the room a few minutes later and asked in a very sympathetic voice, "Julianna, how is your ear?" Julianna slumped her shoulders and hung her head and said in a quivering, pitiful voice, "Pretty bad". We just died laughing at that little drama queen! Can we say FAKER!!


I can't even remember what Julianna said, but it was something fairly amusing. My mom and I laughed at her and she looked to see if Poppy was laughing too. He was cooking and hadn't heard her so he wasn't paying any attention to her. She said, "Poppy, did you hear that?" Can we say attention hound?!


My 2 year old has already figured out the art of peer pressure! We were in the car and she was trying to cross her eyes. Then she wanted me to do it. I told her I couldn't because I was driving and had to keep my eyes on the road, to which she said, "Try it. It's cool!" What? I felt like she was offering me a joint or something! Oh dear!


I was trying to get her to the car to leave my parent's house and she said, "Just 5 more minutes??" I said ok. After 5-ish minutes I said, "Ok, it's been 5 minutes, it's time to go." Julianna said, "I said 6 minutes!"


I LOVE to tap dance!!!

Lunch date with her bestest friend.

What is it about little kids holding hands that just KILLS me? SOOO cute!

Julianna didn't get the memo that it is NOVEMBER and that our swimming days are over for a while. By the way, this was just moments before she and Riley stripped down completely naked and went waist deep in the 60 something degree water!! We let them because it was a very warm day and we were sure that they would see how COLD the water was and back out! They didn't back out and we ended up having to pull them out of there! Little nuts!

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