Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

I know, I know... I promised these pics over a week ago. They are pictures from Mother's Day. We went to the GREATEST museum in Durham (Museum of life & science) with Mimi and Poppy. It had the coolest "Dinosaur Trail" with dinosaurs built to scale along the way. They had a really nice butterfly conservatory, a small farm area, a little zoo, a train, and much more. It was a long trip (2.5 hours), but completely worth it.

I also want to Welcome Ella Maria Fox to the world. Richard, Ryan's brother and his lovely wife Alina had their first baby (and Julianna's VERY first cousin) last week! She is so beautiful and so very loved by so many people already!

I also want to one quick little story than on to the pics!


Julianna was being a bit rascally, but super cute at the same time.

Me: Julianna, stop being so cute!

Julianna: I can't.

Me: I mean it. Stop being so cute right now!

Julianna: (starting to get upset and was whimpering a bit) I can't stop being so cute Mama! This is how cute I am!!!


When Julianna heard that there would be dinosaurs, she INSISTED on wearing her Dinosaur t-shirt!

Don't ask me what any of these dinosaurs were called. I haven't a clue. If you are really curious, give me a call and I'll put Jules on the phone with you! Hee!

Poppy and Julianna. It really is amazing to think that there actually creatures like this that at one time roamed the earth, isn't it?

On the "Dinosaur Train". She LOVED this train ride. It actually went pretty fast and went through a tunnel. Julianna wanted it to NEVER end!

Love this picture!!!

In the tunnel!

She LOVED these poisonous Dart Frogs! They really were beautiful.

Mimi, Jules, and Poppy in the butterfly conservatory.

Being VERY patient trying to get a butterfly to land on her finger!

The mother load! This was a HUGE owl butterfly, or something like that.

They had the neatest remote control boats. Jules loved watching them.

May, 11, 2010

Just posting a few pictures from this week. The first set is from Saturday at Baby John's house, the second is from a GREAT new little playground we tried out for the first time yesterday.

Putting on a puppet show for Baby John.

Lazy Bones! We were getting ready to walk over to an area of the lake where TONS of turtles hang out. Jules opted to ride.

Here are just a few of the turtles that hang out there. We were feeding them bread. Within a few minutes we were also joined by several ducks and geese that brought along the CUTEST goslings.

Playing Peek-A-Boo with Baby John.


Playground Pictures:

Still have pics from our great Mother's Day coming. Maybe even tomorrow!?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6, 2010

We've had a really big week! Got to spend time with family and friends. So much fun!

Louise and "baby John" came over on Saturday and we went over to the college for a lovely walk, and stumbled upon a festival they were having in down town Davidson. Jules LOVED riding a little kiddie train and going down a big bouncy slide. Julianna just dotes on Baby John. I think that they are going to have a very sweet relationship.

Saturday evening we went over to Granddaddy and Grandmama's house and spent the night. We went over and visited Great Grandma Brown at the nursing center on Sunday morning.

My grandmother, aunt (dad's sister), and cousin Brittany came in town on Sunday. We spent the day Monday lazing around and visiting, but then went out to a really nice dinner Monday evening. This was a white tablecloth, no children's menu kind of place, so I was a bit concerned that Julianna was going to have a hard time. Well, I needn't have worried. She was amazing! She sat in her seat for nearly 2 hours without once complaining or even whining. I was so darn proud. Really, it is hard to imagine many other 3 year olds accomplishing this feat. I think everyone was suitably impressed.

Also, Dada's birthday was this week. Jules insisted on making him a special "'nilla cake with 'nilla icing and 'nilla sprinkles". I really tried to let her do most of the work. Sorry Ryan, there might be a few egg shells in the cake... She also accidentally dumped all but the three eggs we needed on the floor. Eek! It was miraculous that 3 eggs stayed in the carton. Shew. Julianna promptly told me that "accidents happen and that's ok". I couldn't help but laugh it was SO cute.

A couple of Julianna stories:


Sometimes when Julianna is playing with Mimi, she doesn't like me to horn in. She likes to have Mimi all to herself and doesn't want me around to spoil their fun (correcting her grammar or reminding her to use her manners, etc). The other day we were over at my parents' house and I went upstairs to check my email. When I came back downstairs, Julianna said, "Go back upstairs Mama. Me and Mimi are playing." I said no and that that wasn't very nice, and I thought that was the end of that. Several minutes later Julianna came up to me and said, "Hey Mama, I want to show you something upstairs". I totally was like, "ok, sure", not suspecting a thing. She took me upstairs to the computer and had me sit down and then started to walk away. I said, "What did you want to show me?" She said, "Just stay right there." then she walked out the door and down the steps without a backwards glance. That little rascal lured me upstairs under false pretenses to get rid of me! Wow. That kid knows how to make a mom feel good... but I have to admit, I was a little impressed.


The other day when Louise and Baby John were visiting we were going out to the car to ride over to the college and I ran back behind the condo to throw away my trash. Julianna stayed with Louise and when I came back around the corner Julianna said, "Look Weezie, it's Sarah." Hee! It just cracked me up. It's like she knew that Louise called me Sarah, so that's the name she used.


When we were visiting Grandmama and Granddaddy last weekend, Julianna went into the bathroom while Grandmama was blow drying her hair. I guess she grabbed a handful of q-tips and disappeared. Grandmama called the next day and said that she is finding q-tips next to all of her house plants (there are a lot of them). When Ryan asked Julianna why she put them there, she said "they are all pointing towards the plants". Hmmm. I wonder what that means.


I was sitting at my desk and Julianna came in and stood next to me. There was a bag of gummy bears on my desk. Without saying a word Julianna looked at me and waited to make sure I made eye contact. She then looked at the gummy bears and licked her lips. Then she looked back at me and raised her eyebrows, then looked back at the gummy bears and licked her lips again. It cracked me up! She, of course, got a couple of gummy bears!


Ok, last one. I was taking a shower and Julianna ran in and threw back the shower curtain and screamed "Mama, Mama!", scaring me half to death. When I composed myself, I asked her what she wanted. She said in the most excited tone, "Can I have a real live baby bunny rabbit? PLEASE??!!" Hee. What a hoot that kid is!


Julianna and Baby John

I love this picture! Why is it impossible to feed a baby without opening your own mouth?! Hee!

Our walk at the college:

Admiring the clover necklace Weezie made for her.

Train ride at the little festival.

Dancing with Baby John.

What cuties!

Visiting with the family:

Snuggling with Poppy.

Julianna gave everyone a good hairbrushing. I was first.

Brittany was next.

Mimi next.

Aunt Mary Beth

Now Poppy! She did a great job! It looks just about as good as when he does it himself! Hee.

Julianna and Nana

Aunt Mary Beth reading Jules a story.

I LOVE this picture. So sweet.

Mama and her girl.

Three generations.

Jules LOVED Brittany. She was looking for her and said, "Where is the other kid?" Hee!

Nana, Poppy, and Jules

Nana, Poppy, Jules, Mary Beth, and Brittany

After storytime at the library. Love this pic.

Julianna and her little friend Molly. They are so cute together. What a couple of hams!

Dada's cake!

Tasting just to be sure...

Yep. Pretty good.