Julianna: Dada, I want to grow a tree.
Ryan: We can grow a tree. What kind of tree should we grow? (She actually can identify several)
Julianna: I want to grow a lollipop tree!!
Ryan was singing "All You Need Is Love".
Julianna: Who sings that song?
Ryan: The Beetles
Julianna: Oh, the same ones that sing "Blackbird"?
How she knows/remembers this stuff, nobody knows.
Julianna played an honest to goodness practical joke on Ryan. She came running out of the bathroom and told Ryan that she had just pooped. He said good or great or whatever. She said, "No. It's running down my leg." Ryan said something to the effect of that's ok, lets get you cleaned up. He took her to the bathroom and pulled down her pants. (By the way, she was evidently straight-faced through this whole thing) He said he looked "around" and didn't see anything.
Ryan: I don't see anything. Where is the poop?
Julianna: Ha ha! I'm just tricking you! I pooped in the potty!!!
Wow, is that normal for 3 year olds to play pranks like that? I swear that kid is going to be trouble!
Ryan and Julianna were driving through at the bank. I guess he noticed the teller kind of giggling and smiling at Julianna. Then he noticed why. Jules was winking at her! The little rascal got 2 lollipops out of it too!
Davidson College:
One of her Easter baskets worked great as a little collection bucket for all of the treasures (acorns, rocks, dandelions and other weeds, pine cones, etc.) that we always find.
Julianna and Poppy on their way out to the boat for the first ride of the season! Yea! We LOVE going out on the boat!!! But I am afraid Jules is going to give me a heart attack this year. She is getting so much more brave and wanting to walk around and look over the edge and such. Eek!
See what I mean?
Julianna is an excellent driver...
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